The Dances of Universal Peace

are a group of simple dances to live music.

The focus of each dance is in the singing of a particular sacred phrase or phrases, inspired by many spiritual, religious and mystic traditions from around the world.

No experience is necessary; come alone or bring a friend.

All dances are taught to the group each time.  


This dancing could be called spiritual practice in motion and is often referred to as Body Prayer.
This group of Dances, simple and profound, are set to sacred texts and mantras of the world’s spiritual traditions. A Dance leader teaches participants the sacred phrase (lyrics), melody, and movements, often with live guitar and drum accompaniment. Leaders must subscribe to the International Dances of Universal Peace ethical guidelines.

Movements are inspired from the sacred texts and strive to embody the essence of the spiritual message and our relationship to Life. Soon the circle is singing and moving together, deepening into the sacred phrase with each repetition. For many, the Dances become a joyous way to share heartfelt connection with others. Deepening in the sacred phrase and the flow of the movements, dancers often experience an essential unity and encounter with Life that is difficult to describe in words. In this atmosphere of openness, acceptance and trust there’s a doorway to discover our true home in Wholeness and the Eternal.
These Dances were begun by a visionary mystic, teacher Samuel L. Lewis. “Murshid Sam” a disciple of the great Indian Sufi teacher Hazrat Inayat Khan, was also a recognized Zen roshi and a student of Jewish and Christian mysticism. His exchanges with Inayat Khan and dancer Ruth St. Denis helped empower the voices, musicianship, and energies blessing us now.


The Seattle Dances of Universal Peace uses a list-serve for general announcements at
Please contact one of the moderators below to request an invitation to the group: Helen  /  Wakil

The NW Regional Spring Retreat returns!

This winter we will dance indoors at 7400 Woodlawn/Emmaus Table, 7400 Woodlawn Ave NE, Seattle 98115. Enter at the rear of the church. Please join us on 4/12 at 1:00pm for our last indoor dance of the season.

‘s January 1st at 11:00am .

In summertime we dance outside

We will resume dancing at Meridian Playground/Good Shepherd Center in May, dates depending on weather. See “Events” page.

Our 2024 Fall Retreat at Camp Burton was a grand success!

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