Minutes 2018

  JANUARY 18, 2018 – Open Dance Community Business Meeting          download pdf
Time: 11:30am potluck and 12:30-2:30pm meetingLocation: Phil Murad and Helen’s home
                 22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell
                 phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511
                 heleng@igc.org / (425) 483-6511Convener: Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comScribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comPhil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comJohn / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netPresent: John (vfP), Martha, Hayra (convener), Brian, Phil, Helen (scribe), Zarifah
Location: Murad and Helen’s home
Opening Dance: Bismillah Round
Interim Committee had no items to report.
Treasurer: We are paid through January, $1697 in cash or checking, $1500 on deposit with Camp Burton.
In addition, Martha still has $1150 in cash, but is owed $940 in reimbursements.Announcements:Women’s March on Saturday. John marched in Martin Luther King march, using one side of a Peace-Dancing yard sign, with a march-based message on the other side. He is planning to do that on Saturday, too, has business cards to hand out.Portland retreat in April, flyer will be on Seattle website also. (Brian does not guarantee that Portland fliers will always be posted to the website.)Murad got a new shakuhatchi.Zarifah is holding a singing circle after dinner at Songaia tonight.Community Day 4/21/2018Keystone has been booked for the full day on April 21, to accommodate both a meeting of musicians/leaders and an all-participants session. We discussed a number of options for structuring the day.Hassan and N’Shama are planning the morning session for musicians and leaders who either come regularly or who are guests. The agenda is to build more cohesion in this group, and to see how much energy can be found to continue to hold weekly Keystone meetings, especially through the dark months when many leaders are gone.Helen and Martha will organize a simple soup and salad lunch that can be served downstairs, open to the community.The afternoon session’s topic is “Who Are We Now?”, with an eye to gathering ideas about what other formats/locations/timings might be more sustainable for who is dancing now. Murad and Helen are willing to organize a mix of dances and talking activities after lunch. The community session would not be to make decisions, but to harvest ideas for later decisions. Some kind of change is going to happen, and the more conscious we can be as a group, the better.Hayra will contact Keystone to confirm rental from 9am to 6pm, with both upstairs and downstairs being rented from 12:30-2:30. The day’s schedule will have leaders/musicians from 9:30-1:00, lunch 1:00-2:30, all-community session 2:30-5:30.50th Anniversary 6/24/2018 (Sunday evening)
There have been email conversations about holding an anniversary event at the usual Whidbey dance time, but held on this side. The anniversary is an international event but could be held on a different date. There is a plan for a video of amalgamation of worldwide Kalama dancing. Khadija might have an interest in organizing the Puget Sound event. Martha will check with Khadija, Hayra will communicate with Whidbey team.Break and dance: Om GamFall RetreatFinancial report: We had a deficit of $480.40. Camp Burton costs were almost $1000 more than last year with same number of attendees, mostly due to changes in how food was charged.Registrar honorarium: We raised the honorarium to $225 instead of $150. Martha will need another person to help her figure out cabin issues in 2018, since charges will be by cabin, not by attendee. John volunteered to help Martha.Dates for 2018: October 26-28 has the least number of conflicts with other known events. Also, Camp Burton is signing a big group 11/4-11, so the November weekends will possibly not be available anyway.Fees for 2018: we will need to decide how to charge for special diets, how to account for cabins, and so forth.Evaluation review: generally positive; a number of minor suggestions can be easily implemented. Microphones generally got positive feedback.Items for future discussion: name tags, afternoon photo session, in June start researching other potential retreat location options for 2019, talking between dances, and cohesion issues.Tabled:GPD reportUse of neighborhood newsClosing Dance: Ya JamilNEXT MEETING:Thurs- Feb 15, 2018Time: 6pm potluck / 7pm meetingLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle
                 jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Martha
                    inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comMartha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389John / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.net  FEBRUARY 15, 2018- Open Dance Community Business Meeting            Download pdf    Time: 6pm potluck / 7pm meetingLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle
                 jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Martha
                    inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comMartha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389John / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netPresent: Martha (convener), Helen (scribe), John, Brian, Phil, Hayra (vfP), TasnimQuorum presentOpening Dance: Working Man’s ZikrInterim Committee: No business to reportAnnouncements:
Murad and Helen plan to go to Spain 2/26-3/27. Hayra will be liaison with Keystone during their absence. Keystone rent is paid up through the end of March. No other expenses are expected.Treasurer’s Report: $1565 remaining in cash and checking.Camp Burton
Leader Choosing Committee: Hayra, Martha, and John volunteer
Dates: Camp Burton’s availability has changed since last month. The October dates are no longer available. Nov 2-4 and November 9-11 are available. The latter avoids Parliament of Religions conflict and has all cabins available. We agreed to rent November 9-11 this year.Community Day April 21Keystone Church has been reserved from 9:00am-6:00pm upstairs and 12:30-2:30 downstairs (no kitchen access). The morning will be a session for leaders and musicians organized by N’Shama and Hassan, which will not be generally advertised to the public.We need a written flyer and website PR. Phil and Helen will give Brian a draft flier for the afternoon session. Brian will put an announcement on Meet up. John will announce on Facebook.Lunch is planned for 1:00-2:00, dances and discussions 2:30-5:30. Martha and Helen will arrange for food purchase, set-up and clean-up. Using an easel for brainstorming is an option.John wonders if a smaller meeting space in South or West Seattle might draw people who live in those areas. We briefly discussed ideas of surveys, other ways of notifying people of changing dates, and finding volunteers for PR efforts.50th Anniversary Update
Worldwide anniversary of the first time Samuel Lewis introduced the Dances will be held Sunday, June 24. There is a request for all Circles to record the Kalama for a composite video. We might join with Whidbey folk, and probably hold an event in Seattle. Hayra will contact Keystone to see if either Saturday or Sunday, 6/23 or 6/24, are available. We would do something very simple (several SAM dances), but try to coordinate videoing the Kalama with the worldwide project. We will need to develop PR once more details are settled.Global Peace Dance Report
The event didn’t make enough to cover expenses, and was very labor-intensive. Hayra would like to find another venue, and pass it to Hamid.Use of Neighborhood News
Some neighborhoods have free announcement services. Is anyone interested in researching the neighborhoods near Keystone?Dupnw email list
Our email list, dupnw@yahoogroups.com, has been having difficulties. Some messages have been delayed. Helen was not able to register someone’s new email address, and krsna das (the owner of the group) has been locked out of accessing the group. Apparently yahoo.com is failing. Should we move to googlegroups? Helen was able to make copies of the membership list and the database. Getting people onto another server will be time intensive, and each member will likely have to agree to rejoin. The current group has many out-of-date e-dresses. We agreed to ask krsna das if he would be interested in setting up a trial googlegroup before the next planning meeting, using the planning committee as a sample membership. Krsna das has expressed interest in a googlegroup alternative. The Interim committee is empowered to approve moving to a googlegroup if the trail is successful.Item to Carry Forward
Holden Prayer 2018Closing Dance: Metta KarunaNEXT MEETING: Thurs-April 5Time: 12:30pm potluck / 1:30-3:30pm meetingLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle
                 jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Martha
                    inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comMartha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389
ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME  MARCH   –  No meeting in March      APRIL 5 – Open Dance Community Business Meeting          download pdfTime: 12:30pm potluck / 1:30-3:30pm meetingLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle
                 jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Martha
                    inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comMartha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389
Present: Martha (Convener), Hayra (VfP), Elizabeth, John, Murad Phil, Brian, Helen (Scribe)Opening Dance: Russian KyrieInterim committee: No items to reportAnnouncements:
Hayra offering rides to Whidbey Island and Mt Vernon this coming weekend.Treasurer’s Report:
$1630 in the treasury, all bills paid through April. $120 is earmarked for youth transportation, courtesy of Oneness Project. Historically we have reserved $300 if necessary to cover scholarships to the fall retreat. Treasurer will confirm that our 2016 check to Camp Burton for a $1500 deposit was held in case of cancellation, but never cashed.Camp Burton:The committee for choosing leaders for our fall retreat (John, Hayra, Martha) is close to confirming leaders.Camp Burton’s new administrative staff is stabilizing, and has sent the 2018 contract. Our deposit for 2018 is $2000, which can be held either with a check or a credit card number. The deposit is in case of cancellation or significant damage, but if a camp has to be cancelled for reasons beyond our control, the date can be rescheduled without losing the deposit. Martha volunteers to allow her credit card number to be on file with Camp Burton, since the treasury does not have $2000 in it. After weighing potential risks, we agree, with Brian standing aside.There will be new food and housing rules. We currently have 10 cabins reserved, six bottom bunks per cabin. Martha will clarify whether or not we are committed to pay for all 10 cabins, or only for those we fill. She will also investigate the possibility of more than 6 campers per cabin, using upper bunks. We agreed that the price increase will be spread over all registrants, not just those in the cabins. Requests for specific cabins will probably be allocated according to the dates registrations are received.There will also be an $8.50 surcharge for special diets. We decided to charge all campers an addition $3-4, both to avoid discrimination, and also to simplify logistics for the registrar.Helen and Martha will meet soon to set the new prices. A letter explaining the changes will go out prior to Sky Camp.Community Day:On Saturday, April 21, N’Shama and Hassan are organizing a morning session for Dance leaders. They have received about 10 responses. Roughly 25 invitations were sent out to past leaders and outlying areas.The downstairs at Keystone has also been rented from 12:30 to 2:30 A simple soup and salad lunch is planned for 1:00, with time for set-up and clean up.Murad Phil and Helen are organizing the afternoon session. Recent trends will be presented, we will see what level of involvement is available in the group, and we can brainstorm future directions. A few dances will be interspersed.Helen and Martha are arranging logistics for the meal. They will need some additional help for set-up.Announcements for the Community Day have been posted on dupnw and Meet-up, as well as a webpage and flier on the website. Helen will forward the latest announcement to John to post on Facebook.50th Anniversary of SAM’s First Dances:
The international event is focused on June 24. Farishta, Elizabeth, and N’Shama are organizing dances. Elizabeth is coordinating with Arjun, who is focalizing the international event. Volunteers will be needed for logistics. Khadija has suggested some ideas for the day. Keystone as a location is preferred if available, with the OddFellows Hall as backup location. Time of the event will be set around availability of a venue. John will post announcements to Facebook. Brian will create a webpage as soon as details are available.DUP Planning Quorum:
Seattle Dance Team agreed that one Dance leader is sufficient for the DUPP quorum.
Hayra is looking for volunteers to post on local Neighborhood News networks. April 21 may be an opportunity to recruit.Social Media Notifications (yahoogroups vs googlegroups):Yahoo has become less and less functional; getting new people onto dupnw@yahoogroups.com is no longer reliable. Krsna das set up a sample googlegroup, but there were problems adding Helen. Brian will work with krsna das and Helen to determine the problems and “test-drive” the new group in more detail.Hayra and Brian researched a tool called “Constant Contact”, but it offers more than we need, would cost $20/month, and would require weekly input to be relevant.A bigger question for Community Day is “how do you want communications to happen?” Help with weekly postings on the email list and Facebook might be recruited.Holden Prayer (topic held over until next fall)Closing Dance: Deeper, DeeperNEXT MEETING: Thurs-May 10Time: 6:00am potluck / 7:00pm meetingLocation: Phil Murad and Helen’s home
                 22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell
                 phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511
                 heleng@igc.org / (425) 483-6511Convener: John / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netScribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comMartha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389John / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.net ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOMEThurs-May 10 – Open Dance Community Business Meeting         download pdfTime: 6:00am potluck / 7:00pm meetingLocation: Phil Murad and Helen’s home
                 22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell
                 phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511
                 heleng@igc.org / (425) 483-6511Convener: John / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netScribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comMartha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389John / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netPresent: John (convener), Helen (scribe), Hayra, Martha, Brian, Phil Murad (VfP)Location: Murad and Helen’s houseInterim Committee: no activity to reportOpening Dance: Om Nama Shiva (You Who Hold)Announcements:Hayra, Murad and Helen will be gone to Canada for Johnson’s Landing Dance retreat from 6/25-7/3
No July 4th Dance at Keystone, which will need to be announced weekly.Treasurer’s report:
$1656 in cash and bank account. Food expenses for Community Day are not accounted for yet. May rent is paid.
Yahoo mail report:
Krsna das and Brian have been in communication about testing our trial googlegroup. Brian and Helen will start to experiment, not being sure if adding members is successful or not. They will need some volunteers to work out bugs. The international dance world is also having trouble with yahoo and are considering googlegroups.Vashon retreat:
Leaders are chosen but fliers are not out yet. Martha has composed a letter explaining changes at Camp Burton which impact our retreat, but still needs to finalize costs and deadlines. Deposit will have to cover food costs and would not be refunded for cancellations. Deadlines will be strictly held.Printing of flyers:
Brian has done this in the past but can’t get to Kinko’s, so flyers aren’t being printed. Master templates are on the website. June 24 would be the next big event where fliers might be needed. Martha volunteers to evaluate present supply and make copies if needed.Meet-up renewal:
There have been no recent sign-ups via Meet-up, and their calendar is getting more difficult to use, so we decided not to renew in June, which will save $180/year. Brian will start making announcements on Meet-up that our page is closing, and give the seattledup.org website as a resource.50th Anniversary June 24:
Location: Keystone is available in evening after 6pm. The Korean church could potentially use the space in the afternoon, although it is currently not scheduled. Farishta and Elizabeth have raised the possibility of using the Oddfellows Hall in Ballard due to accessibility. They would like to show the Sunseed video, and are considering a potluck. Oddfellows Hall would likely not have a fee. Do we want to decide the locale, or leave the decision to organizers? We decided on a cap of $200 for
total expenses, but to leave decisions about site and schedule to the organizers.Community day results:
After sharing the spreadsheets about our declining attendance and declining financial reserve, the group brainstormed many potential solutions. One idea stood out in popularity, which was that the core group of Community Day attendees focus on
especially attending one Wednesday a month together to build magnetism. After a doodle-poll was sent to those who had come, the second Wednesday was chosen for a three-month trial period.Another idea with relatively high interest was having a collective focus (mantra or prayer) which individuals in the group would meditate on, even when not dancing together. Our small group agreed to do this with “Use Me For the Purpose” for several weeks, while considering how best to spread the idea. How would the mantra change over time? Would we need a point person? Anyone reading the minutes could join the current focus in the meantime.A third idea was making reminder phone calls. Helen and Brian will look at the database from dupnw to evaluate for usefulness (it has never been updated). Hassan and Tasnim had also expressed interest in the idea.Bathroom accessibility at Keystone:
Brian may be able to obtain a bar for the stall next to the wall in each bathroom. Hayra will contact Pastor Rich to see if the church is willing to purchase (if necessary) and have them installed.The women’s bathroom is two flights of stairs away from the dance space. The idea was raised of declaring the upstairs bathroom “all genders” for the time we are there, if we are the only renters. Hayra will check with Pastor Rich about whether this is an option, after which we will seek broader input from our email list.Closing Dance: Om Shanti Meta with 3 chair dancers.NEXT MEETINGDate: June 14Time: 6:00am potluck / 7:00pm meetingLocation: Phil Murad and Helen’s home
                 22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell
                 phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511
                 heleng@igc.org / (425) 483-6511Convener: Hayra / (206) 546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comScribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comPhil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comJohn / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netJune 14, 2018  –  Open Dance Community Business Meeting           download pdfTime: 6:00am potluck / 7:00pm meetingLocation: Phil Murad and Helen’s home
                 22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell
                 phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511
                 heleng@igc.org / (425) 483-6511Convener: Hayra / (206) 546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comScribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comPhil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comJohn / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netPresent: Hayra (convener), John (VfP), Brian, Helen (scribe), Elizabeth, Phil MuradOpening dance: “Filled with Bismillah”Treasurer’s report: $1610. Average attendance this year is 17 dancers , average donations $95.Announcements:A second Wednesday dance has happened twice in Burien, at a church where several current and former dancers attend. This may become a more regular event.Fall Retreat: Registrations are coming in; we have two scholarship requests.Yahoo email group:
Helen was able to add a new person recently. John will send Helen three addresses that he has been individually contacting, so Helen can try adding them again. Brian and Helen are still intending to trial googlegroups, although Brian did some early investigating that was frustrating.Facebook: Thanks to John for keeping up Facebook announcements.
Keystone bathroom accessibility.Hayra talked to Pastor Rich, who is investigating how bars would be installed. He agrees that we could make the upper bathroom gender-neutral if we are the only people in the building. Downstairs would still be women-only, but men would not have a male-only bathroom. Brian could make appropriate signs. Hayra is willing to put the question to the
community after mid-July. We’ll also make in-house announcements and give a two-week turnaround for objections to surface.Brian has investigated bars at Home Depot. Those which are simple to install are $24-30. We will wait a month for Pastor Rich to reply, then remind him and offer to purchase one of the bars. We agree that for liability reasons it would be best for the church to install them. Brian will send email to Hayra with info about bars that he has found.July 4 Keystone Dance cancelled:
Cancellation has been announced, but should we also post a sign on the door? Brian
is willing to print a sign, and John is willing to post it.Follow-up from April Community Day:This month the second Wednesday wasn’t well attended, but no reminder was published.”Use Us for the Purpose” intention was suggested but only followed intermittently by those at this meeting. Continuing would require someone with passion/interest to lead the process and send reminders.Brian and Hassan have a list of phone numbers from the yahoogroup. They have agreed to make a few calls each week. Brian will report by email if there are any responses.Associated sociability opportunities. A pre-dance picnic at Farmers Market could be
convenient and pleasant, if anyone wants to put out an invitation. Request for longer
break-times was received from one dancer, but since we have been using break for
meaningful sharing, additional social time probably wouldn’t fit well.50th AnniversaryPR–Fliers are posted at Interfaith church and Oddfellows, Khadija’s list, Facebook.Video and Photography–Jamil and Martha have volunteered. Brian is willing to do a gallery.Furniture set-up and return.–Furniture needs to be put back exactly as it was. Hayra and Jahnavi took photos, Murad and John will help with set-up and take-down.Food set-up and cleanup–A volunteer crew has been identified, and all-hands help will also be requested.Supplies–We will use up leftover compostable items. Murad will bring hot water urn.Decorating–Brian is willing to print a time-line. Photos will be requested for the altar,
and Helen and Murad will bring roses. • Door-minders–Our contract with Oddfellows requires that the front door remain locked.A number of people are willing to help take shifts as door-minder.Next MeetingDate: Sept 13, 2018Time: 6:00pm potluck / 7:00pm meetingLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle
                 jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Murad / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comScribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comPhil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comJohn / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.net 
ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOMEJULY – Open Dance Community Business MeetingNo Meeting in July  AUGUST – Open Dance Community Business Meeting                                                                       No Meeting in August Minutes   2008  |  2009  |  2010  |  2011  |  2012  |  2013  |  2014  |  2015  |  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019 | 2020 2021
Policies (as of Feb 2017)  Read   pdf   •   Original Vision Team Report  (from 2003)  Read   pdf SEPT 13, 2018   –  Open Dance Community Business Meeting     download pdf              Time: 6:00pm potluck / 7:00pm meetingLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle
                 jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Murad / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comScribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comPhil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comJohn / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netPresent: Murad (convener), Helen (Scribe), Elizabeth, Hayra, Martha, Brian, John (VfP)Opening Dance: Thy Light is in All FormsInterim Committee: No business to report.Treasurer’s Report:
• $1482 in account and cash, upcoming insurance bill will run about $400. Rent is paid through September.
• We expect to have about $1000 cushion after paying the insurance bill.
• Average finances and attendance:
       • $90 and 16.2 dancers per week so far in 2018.
       • In 2017 we averaged $87 and 16.9 dancers per week.Announcements:
• Shoreline restarts at Namaste Yoga, 7:30 2nd Fridays.
• Woodinville 3rd Sunday, experimenting with a theme and interweaving meditations/readings with deepening dances.
• Hayra’s son will sing in a Spokane opera.
• Zakira’s birthday party 9/16, 10:30am.
• Burien dance is now on website with its own flier.Vashon retreat:
• As of today there are 50 registrants, 40 have sent checks. 32 are in retreat center.
• Brian is not coming, so we will need another musician boshi. Martha is recruiting.
• Brian is willing to orient the new boshi to the tools and forms he developed.
• Retreat information is not on the North America website. Martha and Brian will get it posted.
• John is available to help figure out cabin assignments.Yahoo email group:
Yahoogroups is working better again, and Brian had some technical problems with
googlegroups, so we haven’t explored googlegroups further.“Fragrance free” on fliers:
We agree that “fragrance free” should be changed to lower case type from capitals, with “please” in the request.Reducing weekly rental hours at Keystone:
Hayra introduced the idea of reducing our rental time to 3 hours per night, down from 3.5
hours, for an annual savings of $650.
Possible scenarios: start 6:45, end 9:45, or start 6:30, end 9:30. A shorter rental might mean
shorter/no break or fewer dances or shorter rehearsal time. We agree that the idea should be
discussed at the Dance Team meeting on 10/4.Cancellation 8/22 for air quality:
An anonymous donation covered the rent of the cancelled night. The cancelling guest leader had contacted a few people, but the proposal could have been passed by the whole dance team or the interim committee. The contacted people could have passed on the information seeking other leaders. There is no formal process established for cancelling a dance meeting on short notice. The issue will be further discussed at the next Dance Team meeting on 10/4.Flier printer paper:
Brian has been printing fliers, but getting more copies is now problematic. Fedex has all the colors, and it takes about two hours to print about 20 copies of all the fliers. Master copies are available on the website. Brian will ask for support as new ones need to be printed. We will revisit the issue next month to see how it has been going.Keystone bathroom accessibility:
• Hayra has talked to Pastor Rich, who has two concerns. One is whether the proposed bar might extend too far for the comfort of a sitting person and secondly, he is concerned about additional liability. He’s not confident that non-professional installation would be sufficient and is apparently reluctant to pay for professional installation. The bathrooms already require climbing stairs for access, so the building itself is not handicap-accessible. Brian will check into the protrusion of a grab-bar relative to the position of the toilet.• Hayra put out an email about the upstairs bathroom possibly being declared nongender when no other group is using the church, and received no objections. Now that we are again using the upstairs, we could declare the male bathroom all-gender. Brian will design a sign with all-gender logo, “All-gender Bathroom, Women-only Bathroom Downstairs”.Advertising the planning meeting:
We agree that goal is to make first announcement go out two Wednesdays (a week and a day) before the meeting. The facilitator will be responsible for making an email announcement.Next MeetingDate: Oct 18 , 2018Time: 6:00pm potluck / 7:00pm meetingLocation: Brian’s Place .
                 10295 NE 189th St #304, Bothell, WA 98011
                 brian@briandina.com / 425-485-2019Convener: Helen / 425-483-6511 /
                 helengabel@gmail.com / heleng@igc.orgScribe: JohnInterim committee:Phil: phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511 Helen heleng@igc.org / (425) 483-6511John / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netOCTOBER 18, 2018  –  Open Dance Community Business Meeting       download pdfTime: 6pm potluck / 7-9pm meetingLocation: Brian’s Place .
                 10295 NE 189th St #304, Bothell, WA 98011
                 brian@briandina.com / 425-485-2019Convener: Helen / 425-483-6511 /
                 helengabel@gmail.com / heleng@igc.orgScribe: JohnInterim committee:Phil: phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511 Helen heleng@igc.org / (425) 483-6511John / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.net
PRESENT: Brian (hosting), John (scribing), Helen (facilitating), Phil/Murad (Voice for Peace), Hayra, Elizabeth, and Martha.We started out dancing the Bismillah Round.INTERIM REPORT: No action taken by the Interim Committee since the last meeting.TREAS. REPORT: Rent paid through 10/31/18 and liability insurance ($257) through 10/10/19. $1334 in the bank.Average attendance so far in 2018 same as 2017 at 16.9 (the first time in a number of years we have not been seeing a decrease over the previous year). Avg. take $92/week (up from $87/week last year).REDUCED HOURS PROPOSAL:We agreed tentatively to go ahead with a slightly modified version of the Dance Team recommendation: If a reduction in hours was necessary for financial reasons, to leave ½ hour earlier-so that dances would end near 9pm vs. 9:30pm for a 3 month trial period, except for 1-2 nights per quarter (per Dance Team decision for special nights like Rumi Night or Aramaic Lord’s Prayer). The Dance Team had suggested the trial period as Dec 2018-Feb. 2019.We decide to run the trial Jan-March 2019, but agree to change the trial period to just 2 months if any of the Dance Team leaders object to going beyond February. Hayra will update the Dance Team and ask for a reply by a date certain if any objections, and update the Planning Committee of the result. Leaders will be asked to keep Murad and Hayra in the loop in terms of their notifying the church on those nights where we revert back to 10pm closing.We discussed how leaders might be able to maintain the sharing that has been taking place during the break and have a satisfactory dance night as well with a shorter evening.We may reconsider whether to even do the trial after the Vashon retreat, if we end up on the positive side close to the $650/year we would save on rent were we to continue with a shorter dance evening.CONSIDERATION OF VENUE CHANGE:
We agreed that we were open to checking out some other options for our regular Seattle DUP venue. Having a place with everything on one level would be more accessible. Having a place with easy beverage & food capabilities would also be a plus. The Friend’s (Quaker) meeting house in the U-District was mentioned, and anyone is free to check that out for now, though parking is likely to be an issue there. Elizabeth offers to chair a committee recruited via DUPNW in March to explore options more systematically.SONG BREAK: We sang “Power of the Universe”.VASHON RETREAT:Martha reports that registrations are coming along well with over 70 so far. She will need to submit meal counts to the camp by Friday 10/26. If anyone registers after 10/25, meals at the camp for them cannot be guaranteed.Elizabeth, one of the 3 leaders for the weekend, reports that the collaboration is coming along well.Brian reports that a better headset has been found at American Music.Steven Matin Pierce has agreed to serve as Music Boschi.We discussed the possibility of offering a discount in 2019 for taking an upper bunk, in the event that would otherwise be the only option for a late registrant in a cabin where all the lower bunks were taken. (We have to pay per cabin starting this year, so had decided earlier that we would need a minimum of 4 per cabin.)YAHOO LIST SERVE ISSUE:Martha says her emails to the Yahoo DUPNW list serve are being blocked, though she is receiving emails from DUPNW. Brian and Hayra have been forwarding her emails intended for the list serve. Brian has had long delays in sending emails to the list serve in the past. Thanks to kd who has been working with Martha on this issue and found the messages Martha has been trying to send, in Yahoo spam.We discussed some possible options and interim solutions.COMMUNITY DAY FOLLOWUP:Assuming we go ahead with the trial re: a shorter dance evening on Wed., we would of course send out a DUPNW notice. In that notice, we agreed we would mention that a number of people who had committed to coming on a regular basis on the 2nd Wednesday were now not able to do so (partly due to the new Burien dance on that night), and we would ask if anyone had an idea about another Wed. (1st, 3rd, 4th?) to which they would want to commit on a regular basis.We agreed to look again at any other of the suggestions made at the Community Day event if a member of the DUPP committee wanted to review the survey notes again and bring any of them forward at our next meeting.BATHROOM:Brian says he checked in the men’s bathroom, and the 3” required for a grab bar would not seem to hamper access to the stall. Considering the pastor’s rejection of our inquiry about having bars installed, even should we offer to help pay, we wondered if there were concerns about requirements for full ADA compliance having to come into play even with minor changes were made to the bathroom.We decided to wait until the Spring after a Venue Options Committee might have met, to possibly explore this further with the pastor.CHANGING FONT ON “FRAGRANCE FREE” FLIERS:
Brian reported that he had completed the task of reducing the font on fragrance free to lower case on all of the many Dance Circle flier documents on the Seattle DUP website.PRINTING FLIERS:
Brian has gotten adequate support in the interim. We are out of the General Introduction fliers. John may print a few off of the web.CLOSING DANCE: May the Blessings of God Rest Upon YouNext Meeting: Nov 15Time: 6pm potluck / 7-9pm meetingLocation: John’s House .
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle
                 jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener:
      Phil: phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511Scribe: HelenInterim committee:Phil: phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511 Helen heleng@igc.org / (425) 483-6511ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME   NOVEMBER 15   –  Open Dance Community Business Meeting   –   download pdfTime: 6pm potluck / 7-9pm meetingLocation: John’s House .
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle
                 jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener:
      Phil: phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511 Scribe: HelenInterim committee:Phil: phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511 Helen heleng@igc.org / (425) 483-6511
Present: Phil Murad (convener), Brian (vfP), Martha, Hayra, John, Helen (scribe)Opening Dance: BismillahAnnouncements:
     • Aramaic Prayer 12/19. See Murad /phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511
     • Rumi Night 12/12. See Farishta
     • Dancers who have passed 12/5. See Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.com
     • Sitara and Jellaludin 11/28. See Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comInterim Committee Report (Phil Murad, Helen)
OK’d reimbursing Brian for ink cartridges ($75 for one black) since he has been doing quite a bit of printing of fliers. Brian will send bill.Treasurer Report
November rent and annual insurance paid for. $1294 in treasury.Average attendance
Weekly attendance in 2018 averages 16.2 dancers. In 2017 we averaged 16.9 dancers.
Our weekly donations in 2018 average $89. In 2017 we averaged $87.Potential Venue Change
The issue has been tabled until March when Elizabeth returns.Preliminary Burton Retreat Review
Martha is not ready to report tonight. Several things went in our favor, like:
●less expensive microphones ●no air fares  ●several day dancers  ●scholarship donations.
General comments:  ●Good choice of leaders  ●Sound system worked quite well: quick changes and clear voices. Matin did a great job, low key ●Zikr night very enjoyable  ●Elizabeth has blossomed  ●Fewer guest leaders volunteered  ●Continuity in wave form of weekend with no guest leaders in first or last session  ●Guest meditators added wonderful energy but they came late, so only did one dance. Om Mani Padme Hum was a great dance for these younger silent meditators  ●All three leaders led with their bodies, not their instruments  ●Blind dancer played guitar and drum, as well as dancingMight be nice to keep a wait list to offer invitations in the case of last-minute cancellations; logistical challenges might make that too complex to administer. (We may discuss the suggestion further at a later time.)Martha enjoyed having all the decisions completed well before the retreat, though Friday evening was challenging due to broken plumbing in a women’s cabin.Martha felt more relaxed in general, had good support from camp staffAmazing food! Good weather! Dancers say they can count on it to be wonderful, and consequently are loyal attendees.In 2019 the fall Jamiat will take Julia and Hassan away from decorating, but Elizabeth has agreed to decorate instead.We were given only one choice of timing, the first weekend in November.Shortened evenings at Keystone Church
We won’t know about whether Camp Burton resulted in profit or a loss for awhile. We had agreed earlier to shortened evenings for a trial period from Jan-March unless dance leaders objected. The only reason for shortening the evening is financial. Is the need clear? In October 2017, our treasurer reported $2664 in the treasury. In October 2018 we had $1334. Last year we lost $500 at Camp Burton, and haven’t consistently been taking in enough to cover expenses. We would save $650/year by shortening hours, but over a whole year we may need more than $650 to keep even. So for now we will go forward with shorter hours, renting the upper hall from 6:30-9:30, for three months. Keystone Church and dance community should be notified soon. Murad will notify Keystone. Hayra will send emails to the community in mid-December.Global Peace Dance
Brian requests flier and website information. Hayra reports that no specifics are yet available. Brian prefers six weeks notice, but could still do it early December.Community Day Follow-up
Last spring some interest had been expressed by some at the event in focusing attendance more fully on one Wednesday per month. Although a survey seemed to indicate more interest in the second Wednesday, in fact no increase in attendance has been noted. Is this an idea worth pursuing? Helen agrees to create a SurveyMonkey which asks “Would you consider making a point to come one day/month? If so, on which Wednesdays could you make a special commitment to attend? Please check all you’d be willing to commit to.” Ideally it could be sent now, and re-sent in January. Hayra is willing to tally any written forms.Holiday Cards
As usual, our circle has been asked to donate $50 for postage for 100 stamps for holiday cards. The cards aren’t available yet but need to be signed shortly after they arrive. We might need to schedule a special little work party if there is no good Wednesday to sign them as a Circle.Next MeetingDate: Jan 17, 2019Time: 6pm potluck / 7-9pm meetingLocation: Phil Murad and Helen’s home
                 22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell
                 phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511
                 heleng@igc.org / (425) 483-6511Convener: Martha
                   inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org /
                   (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:Phil: phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511 Brian brian@briandina.com / (425) 485-2019Martha inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org /
(206) 367-0389   DECEMBER  –  Open Dance Community Business MeetingNo Meeting in DecemberZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME
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