Minutes 2022

 January 2,2022     Joint DUPP and SDT meeting minutes        download PDFFacilitator: Jennifer
Scribe: Murad
Voice of Peace: John
Also present: Brian, Ka, Helen, Martha, ElizabethCHECK-INsTreasurer’s Report
$4,228 total, no pending expense this month, includes the Oneness Project grant
Follow-up on use of Oneness Project Grant Money.
Three proposals were considered:Ka: Advocated for a investing in a number of specialized Choral Masks such as the type used by her son’s choir. To move this proposal forward more research is needed for decision, such as: do these masks filter as well as and N 95 or KN 95 masks ? What is the best value available for good quality masks?
Also Ka proposed Seattle DUP purchase of Covid Tests to be handed out. Ka bought a large number of tests in bulk. Might open the possibility of more public dancing with tests just ahead. If we do that, Ka would want partial compensation. Masks Ka has are $30 each.
Hassan: Put funds aside for events for younger dancers and/or those who have difficulty paying. (Historically Seattle DUP has experienced difficulty in finding enough youth to make this kind of investment practical. Funds could also be set aside to fund scholarships for those in financial need. As Helen pointed out, we are and have been doing this for some time now. Both Ka and Hassan’s proposals are basically on hold for further consideration.)Phil—suggested that we wait for events to unfold, and bring more clarity about the best use of the grant.John B— Purchasing a Banner for Outdoor Dances – Some of the challenges when using a banner were discussed . But, in fact we already do have a banner. John agreed that the signs we have are probably sufficient.Ka— would like to Record Zoom Dance Events. We discussed the pros and cons including the issue of having full consent from all participants. One suggestion was to set aside a small handful of times we would do photography and videography. Dancers would have a substantial forewarning.John: If we Meet Again as a Combined Team, do we want to invite the rest of the dance community or not? We agreed the meetings could be open to all who wished to attend that we would probably skip the personal check-ins
HelenZoom Security Suggestion (New Meeting Zoom Link for 2022)- Helen suggested changing the link for zoom meetings. (Elizabeth has sent the new link).Potential Agenda Items if Time:Scheduling past Mar – Who, How Far, Local or Guest LeadersZoom/ Outdoor/Indoor/Healing DanceNeed for additional Meetings:Continuation of discussion on how well we listen to one another and/or feel heard.
 (joint DUPP/SDT): Mon-Feb 21 @ 4 to 5:30 (or 6pm)
FACILITATOR: Ka / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.com
SCRIBE: Helen (if needed, John will back up Helen)  Mon-Feb 21 @ 4 to 5:30 (or 6pm)       download pdfPresent: Ka (convener), Helen (scribe), Jennifer (VfP), John, Hassan, Brian, Phil, Elizabeth, Martha. Quorum present.Dance: Only a Heart with Wings can FlyTreasurer’s report: no change, i.e. $4228 in the bank and $17 in cash. No expected expenses in the near future.PAUSE FOR GRATITUDECOVID precautions for the immediate future
    Outdoors – Spring Dances planned in Meridian Park. Probably won’t need to require masks for an outdoor venue but will continue social distancing. Individuals could stand further back or wear masks as desired. If it rains, we could cancel (or have a Plan B for social-only option)unless the larger pavilion is available. We will ask people to bring their own masks in case we are crowded, but we can also have a box purchased.Interim Committee can make the decision to purchase inexpensive N95s closer to time.No firm decision can be made this far out.
    Indoors – pandemic future is still too unpredictable to plan.PAUSE FOR GRATITUDESpring Scheduling
March: Two zoom dances are being scheduled.Martha has arranged 3/2with Nuria and Munira, and another mid-March zoom dance with a surprise leader. The outdoor dancewill probably be on 3/27 with Elizabeth and Hassan.
April-June: Hassan/Elizabeth willing to offer an outdoor dance once a month in April, May, and June, as pop-up dances. They will work dates around desires for a zoom dance earlier in the month. Ka is willing to lead one dance in April, likely on zoom.
Indoor venues will potentially be possible soon. We could also schedule zooms, and arrange a hybrid if conditions change and the technology/personnelare available. Elizabeth has equipment for a basic hybrid, wants to keep dances available to those who can’t travel. Projecting zoom attendees on a screen is very effective. Further specific planning for an indoor dance postponed, as we don’t know how pandemic conditions will develop.
Brian will post dates on the website as soon as he is notified.PAUSE FOR GRATITUDERecording zoom dances Potential reasons for recording: time shifting for those far away or feedback for an individual leader’s review. Not everyone wants to record during a prayer practice. What screens would be recorded and where would we store it? Individual leader can record to their own computer for their own use. Recording could potentially be done as a special occasion, making sure no participants had objections. No specific proposal is offered today.Meeting evaluation What went well? Good structure, explicitly calling on everyone in group for the major topics. Several mentioned feeling well heard. What might have gone better? Some comments might not have been essential.PAUSE FOR GRATITUDENext meeting: Joint Dance Leader/Dance Planning teams. We agreed that this format is especially useful during this time of pandemic transition.
When: Monday 4/4, 10:30am-12:30pm
Convener: Hassan
Scribe: Helen
Interim committee: Ka, Hassan, Jennifer with Murad as backup.Dance: Ishq Upon IshqZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME  Mon – Apr 4, 2022 @10:30am-12:30pm – Joint Dance Leader/Dance Planning teams   downoad PDFPresent: Ka (VfP), John (convener), Helen (scribe), Phil, Brian, Jennifer, Elizabeth, Martha, Roberta (for first dance). Quorum is present.First dance: Syncopated BismillahTreasurer’s Report: $4228 in bank after cash deposits and Oneness Project donation. No significant expenses expected.Pause for gratitudes and poem (Em Clare “You Were Meant”)Spring dances
Elizabeth and Hassan are planning monthly pop-up dances at Meridian Park. Next one will probably be in late April, date dependent on weather.April: Ka is planning to initiate a dance, possibly 4/16, on Easter/Passover theme. Working with Elizabeth and Lara on details. They are considering some kind of hybrid, possibly outdoors with zoom also.May: We discussed pros and cons of indoors vs. outdoors. ●If indoors, ventilation would be important. ●We could require masks? John is using resonance mask, designed for singing, and finds it comfortable. ●Would Keystone be available or would we need another venue? ●Would a zoom hybrid be possible? ●Who has the energy to put an indoor dance together? ●What will the Covid case rate be? ●We would need to find out the following from Keystone: OK for open windows, do they have Covid policy, availability on weekends, wi-fi availability?
●Do we prefer outside dances? Daytime weekends has gotten good comments.
No one volunteers to lead indoor dance in May. Online dance is still an option, with small group of musicians/leaders. Ka might be willing to do zoom or hybrid in May, possibly with Jennifer, but wants to get through April commitment first. Martha is willing to pull together May zoom with out-of-region leaders, as backup option. We agree that Anahata’s event was wonderful!Pause for gratitudesFall Retreat:
Martha has been in contact with Burton, they are back in business as usual, our dates are still available,Nov 4-6. We have cancellation option by August 1, with substantial cancellation fees after that. We have the potential option to require vaccination, rapid tests, masks or whatever. Many camps have similar requirements and we can model on others.Ka will inquire about team that was displaced by the pandemic (Matin and Munajat and youth leader) and will ask whether they would be willing to do zoom if we cannot be in person. Elizabeth managed the backup zoom plan last year; she could be interested in arranging a similar backup if notified in August. Reunion experience and having lots of leaders was very popular, and might be preferred by some over an in-depth retreat, whether we meet in person or virtually. Elizabeth is interested in figuring out a hybrid if we are also in person at Camp Burton.We decided to pencil in the dates (Nov 4-6, Fri-Sun) with Camp Burton and post save-the-date notices now, with more details and possible reservations to follow in May. Martha and Brian will post a notice on the website.
Pause for gratitudes
Next meeting:
Monday 5/3 at 7:30pm
Convener: Martha (206) 367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org
Scribe: Helen with John as backup.
Interim committee: John, Martha, KaPoem: Em Clare “You Were Meant”Closing Dance: “Let the Wave Break”
 Monday – May 3 @7:30pm –  Joint Dance Leader/Dance Planning teams    download pdfPresent: Brian, Martha (convenor) Helen (scribe) Jennifer (VfP), Ka, John, Phil, Elizabeth
Opening Dance: Working Man’s Zikr
Quorum: Present
Interim Committee report: NoneAnnouncements:5/16 zoom dance, 7:30, Ka and Matin to lead.When contacting webmaster about posting a dance, please include zoom link and exact times if possible.Treasurer’s report:$4211 in bank. Same as last month, no pending expenses.Also we have $70 in paypal from two recent donations.Pause for gratitudes
Summer Dance PlansZoom: A zoom dance is scheduled May 16.Outdoor In-person:
Elizabeth and Hassan have committed to holding a monthly outdoor dance through summer.Indoor In-person:
Ka contacted Keystone Church about rental possibilities. Rentals are possible at $30 per hour with 3-hour minimum. Another group is currently renting Wednesday evenings. After lengthy discussion, Ka will contact the church about a range of possible rental options. Many concerns were raised about ventilation, masking or vaccination requirements, timing, attendance, financial viability. We may try an experimental indoor dance with hybrid option while the weather is warm enough to open windows, or put out a survey on the list-serve.May 1st Dance Reflections:
      Many expressions of happiness at size of group, fed by the nearby Maypole energy. Lots of people joined extemporaneously. Musicians on the inside of the circle worked well. We probably will go back to usual site in the future to avoid traffic noise.
     Some of the dances were taught with explicit hand-holding directions, which was confusing to those who would prefer not to hold hands. Request we teach without handholding, possibly making an announcement at the beginning to respect those who prefer not to hold hands.Outdoor Dance Promo and Donations:
We forgot to ask for donations. Several people asked for information but we didn’t have cards or signs ready. Brian has stash of cards. John has signs that could be shared. Camp Burton Nov 2022 – updates
Leadership: We discussed potential leader teams since Matin has declined the invitation this year. One possibility is a jam-team like last year’s zoom team. Martha, John and Ka will form a subcommittee to choose leaders.Contract and Reservations: Martha will arrange to sign a contract with Camp Burton. Martha and Helen will meet to set prices, after which Martha will send out an announcement and accept reservation checks. Checks aren’t cashed until after the retreat. We can cancel until August 1 without penalty.
Pause for gratitudes Next meeting: Tuesday, June 7, 4:00pm-6:00pm.Facilitate: JenniferScribe: HelenIC: Jennifer, Martha, HelenClosing dance
ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOMETuesday – June 7 @ 4-6pm  Joint Dance Leader/Dance Planning teams       download pdfPresent: Jennifer (convener), Helen (scribe), John (vfP), Hayra, Elizabeth, Martha, Phil, Safiya, Brian, Hassan. Quorum present.Opening Dance: “Allah in 4 Directions”Announcements:Zoom link to planning meeting is now on website along with prior minutes.Dance on 7/10 will have theme of long-term love, 4pm at Meridian Park.Treasurer’s Report: Donations from park took total to $4348 total; website renewal will be coming soon.Pause for Gratitudes: sunny weather, Ka setting up pavilion at last dance, men’s group that has met through pandemic, snow peas ripening, folks working in soil, able to be at this meeting, delphiniums are in bloom, harvesting mushrooms in the MethowCamp Burton Nov 2022 updates:
     Clara Sage in San Francisco just replied that she is open to coming in-person and work with co-leader, details need to be sorted out. Martha and Helen crunched numbers;hopefully we can break even at 42 people (which is Camp Burton’s minimum) by charging essentially the same as in 2019. We agreed to raise price by $5 per person. If more people come, we can give scholarships. Inland Camp and NW Sufi Camp have had slow or low registrations; we will need to decide by August 1 whether or not to go ahead with an in-person camp. Covid safety precautions can be decided later, as deposit checks can be returned once our precautions are announced. In the past we had a graduated timeline for deposit returns if folks cancelled after registering. Elizabeth will research what other camps are doing and Camp Burton subcommittee (Elizabeth, Martha, Helen) can decide wording so a flyer gets out soon.Pause for Gratitudes: willingness to take on difficult decisions, possibility that Burton might be in person, beautiful beloved faces, care for details and persistence, able to discuss slippery issues and doing OK, forming agreements with all voices, covid has caused us to re-think all our assumptionsRequests for outreach:There was a recent request for dances at the Denny Sartaj Hannem memorial, but Seattle park dance was already scheduled for the same day. (The first dance at the park was dedicated to Sartaj.) What kind of info and timelines are needed for outreach requests? Currently a month’s notice to the group as a whole is what would be realistic. Individual leaders who have committed to an outreach are responsible for making alternative arrangements if they cannot lead after all. Hassan volunteered to be a contact for outreach requests that don’t go to a specific leader; hewill start email discussion with other dance leaders about what to put out to the community.Summer Dance Plans:Outdoors: Dances in the park will continue monthly through September, organized by Eliz and Hassan. Last time we had 15 people in spite of rain and lots of people out of town. Worked out in spite of birthday party nearby. General invitation to leaders is appreciated. Pavilion was appreciated but is expensive to rent. So far there are no expenses to holding the park dances.Indoors: There was a tentative plan for a one-time trial dance, but this was cancelled. We would need to establish our own Covid protocols. An indoor dance will need an inspired organizer, and probably wouldn’t be needed before the fall.Zoom: Jennifer and/or Ka or Martha might possibly organize one, but everyone’s summer schedules are unclear. When we’ve held one, we draw sufficient participation. Breakout rooms are appreciated. Portland’s Friday dancers meet many needs, but lacks our intimate family feeling.
Purchasing equipment for hybrids: Stephen Matin pointed out equipment he used for his dances, suggested having a monitor to show folks on zoom larger. Portable monitors can be found at thrift stores. We might be able to use it to include more people in our in-person dances. Elizabeth has a projector and screen but monitor is easier to carry and set up.Gratitudes: hummingbirds, opportunity to be honest and authentic, family health, downstairs zoom room, seeing people we don’t usually see, grateful that even with decreased participation still feels like family, new glasses, good hearts and goodwill, longevity of the group, remembering Sartaj.Next Meeting: Friday-July 8, 10-noon.
Convenor: Hassan, Scribe: Helen
Interim committee: Jennifer, Hassan, JohnClosing Chant: Shalom
Friday – July 8 @ 10am-noon      download pdfPresent:Hassan (convener), Helen (scribe), Martha (vfp), Elizabeth, Phil, Jennifer, Ka, John, Brian
Quorum presentInvocation and dance:“Out Beyond Ideas of Right and Wrong”Check-insAnnouncements:
Dance in the Park: Sunday 7/10, 4pm at Meridian Park. Lara will be there as possible musical support and leadership. Please bring cards and signs.Treasurer’s report:
$71.00 donated at last dance, otherwise no change.
Elizabeth would like to invest in a camera with zoom feature, costing about $100. Web expenses will be coming up in late August.Pause for gratitude:
There is an affordable camera with zoom; all of us together; fresh air and clean water; blooming blackberries; dahlias starting to bloom; air scents; roses in bloom especially near zoo; energy on a day off; honesty; acts of goodwill all around; tolerance,Summer Dances plans:
Donation jar—we discussed various suitable options.
Elizabeth and Hassan are committed to do park dance once a month until early Oct. Next one will likely be either August 6-7 or 20/21.
Portland is doing zoom dances weekly. No local leader is interested in zoom this summer due to many conflicting events. Seattle team agrees to take break from zoom dances in July and August.Fall Retreat:
     We discussed many aspects of holding the traditional fall retreat at Camp Burton. We currently have 22 people who have left a deposit, but have heard from several that the commitment is not firm. We would need 42 paying campers to break even; August 1st is the date to notify Camp Burton without penalty for cancelling. We discussed several options like the logistics of holding a smaller retreat, the size of deposit forfeiture, adopting a very restrictive Covid protocol, camper refund options, and so forth.
     However, it seemed unlikely that we could attract sufficient attendance due to the risks of Covid transmission at an indoor event during the cold season when ventilation is poor. We agreed unanimously to move to a zoom event similar to last year’s, with small pods gathering for a hybrid experience. Elizabeth and Martha agreed to initiate a call for zoom-friendly leaders.
      We took time for a moment of sadness over the loss of so many precious moments and hugs. So much has been taken by this illness.Pause for gratitude:
Gratitude for release from stress of indecision. Clear compassionate look and decision we can all support. Not much tension over this item. Taking time with our feelings. Combined wisdom and caring. Zoom allows us to still gather in comfort. Open sharing and presence to tenderness. Other camps happening this summer. Reminder to be grateful for what we still can do. Might be bringing us closer to recognizing our connection with nature as we modify for the realities of the season.Further logistics:
We will need to keep our eyes on the rhythms of the season. Summers might be THE time to get together. However,holding a hybrid this year would keep momentum for a possible future fall retreat alive. Martha has been given name of another campground near Olympia that might offer other timing alternatives. Elizabeth and Martha will wordsmith an announcement and contact Brian for website verbiage. This group authorizes the Interim Committee and the Camp Burton team to spend up to $500 if needed before next meeting.
Thanks to Martha for all the communications, to Martha and Helen for number crunching, Elizabeth for energy for hybrids, Phil Murad for attention to seasons, Hassan for facilitation.Each of us puts our little streams in,and the river keeps flowing.Next meeting:
September 10, 2pm
Convener: Martha /
Scribe: Helen
IC: Martha, HassanClosing:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87209296724?pwd=OVB5QWwzc1ExZXFNNm5PcmJqbFF6UT09
Meeting ID: 872 0929 6724 / Passcode: dancepeace -or- 6704732738
Dial by your location: +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME   Tues – Sept 6, 2022                   downoad pdfPresent: Martha (convener), Helen (scribe), Jennifer (vfP), Phil, Hassan, Brian, Ka, Elizabeth, JohnOpening Dance: Govinda Radha Jai!Quorum is present, no report from Interim Committee.Initial grounding meditation and check-inAnnouncements:9/25: Dance in the Park in honor of krsna das. 4pm. Meridian Park. There will be a chance to share at the break, so bringing chairs will be encouraged.9/23: Autumn Leaf celebration at Om Culture will include some Dances. 7:00.New Ruhaniat list-serve is being formed to consolidate several prior email listsTreasurer’s report:
$4278.76 in our bank account, $166 in cash, total $4444.76. Upcoming expenses: renew zoom account (Elizabeth), renew website (Brian), renew insurance policy (Phil)Gratitudes:
Cute bunnies, check-ins concise but authentic, Elizabeth’s son doing better, clear skies, no heat domes, abundant harvest, Duvall Park beach and swimming hole, beautiful evenings on the balcony, our “unreasonable loyalty”, different autumn light, no scramble to organize regional retreat, SAM’s ripple effects in the world (ie big Middle East dance camp currently in Turkey).Fall/Winter Dances in Seattle:One more outdoor dance is confirmed on 9/25. Another is tentatively scheduled 10/9. Park dances won’t re-start until the spring and will be weather-dependent.No leader is interested in leading zoom dances, other than as part of the “Vashon Dance Festival” (see below).We discussed many aspects of holding a few indoor dances this fall and winter at Keystone Church. Experiences at summer camps were positive, with one Covid-19 case per camp being contained. John has had good experiences with a choir mask. Hassan, Jennifer and possibly Ka are willing to lead. Ka and Phil will contact Keystone about the potential of having windows open, and about availability on weekends and evenings, preferably weekends 2-4:30. We agreed that the treasury could afford to subsidize 3-4 indoor dances at Keystone, to keep our momentum over the winter.Fall Regional Retreat:
Elizabeth’s current idea is to hold a “Dance Festival” rather than a retreat. This would provide some novelty and be easier to organize. Rather than a core group of leaders meeting to coordinate, each regional team (and individuals) would be invited to lead a segment of their choice. Portland group usually meets Friday, could share that meeting, for instance. Seattle group might gather a number of leaders and musicians in one place and lead a hybrid of live and zoom dancers. We agreed that this sounds like a good way to proceed. Martha and Elizabeth volunteer to seek participants and establish a schedule.Gratitudes:
Creative and cooperative approach to our decisions, Elizabeth’s son and Jennifer’s ankle healing well, approaching seasonal changes, rain, dedication of those who still have heart for this process,

Next meeting:Tuesday, 10/11 @ 10:30amConvener: JohnScribe: HelenInterim Committee: John, Jennifer, MarthaClosing Dance: Kalama
ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME Tues-Oct 11 @ 10:30am         download pdfPresent: Elizabeth, Helen (scribe), Brian, John (convener), Phil, Martha, Ka (VfP), Hassan, JenniferCheck-insTreasurer’s Report: We have $4280 in hand between bank and cash. We are getting some donations at the park dances. Website and zoom expenses are still anticipated.Fall Retreat Planning:
     Elizabeth and Martha have been in contact with various regional leaders and have a tentative schedule which will need to be confirmed. Possibly Portland will take Friday night, Seattle Saturday daytime, and Salem late afternoon or evening zikr. Ka is interested in leading a discussion somewhat like last year’s. Tech for the weekend will be run through our zoom account, with Elizabeth being the main zoom host.
     Jennifer volunteered to organize Saturday’s session. A small group of musicians and a few dancers will gather either at her apartment’s community room or at Keystone. Phil Murad will contact Keystone about availability and wi-fi capacity. We also discussed likely Covid protocols (masking except for leader, testing on day of event). Brian will publish details about the retreat format on the website as soon as times etc. are confirmed. Ka and Jennifer will want early notice of which dances are likely to be included so musicians can be arranged.Pause for Gratitude:
All of us and long friendships, deeper understanding that each day could be the last, sunshine today, dedication to this group in spite of Covid, “feeling at home” even at business meeting, comfort of music, beauty of life/death, signs of aging means we are still here, thirsty trees precious, dahlias vibrant.Winter In-person Dances:
We agreed that we aren’t ready to think past the November retreat gathering before any further planning for in-door dancing. The small group of musicians and dancers that lead the Seattle session will be able to try out Covid protocols.Next meeting:
Wednesday, 11/9, 7:00pm
Facilitator: Phil
Scribe: HelenInterim committee: John, Phil, KaClosing Dance: Kyrie with Alleluia
ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME   Wed – Nov 9 @ 7:00pm     download pdfPresent: Phil Murad (convener), Helen (scribe), Hassan, John (vfP), Brian, Jennifer, Ka, ElizabethOpening silence and chant: “Shalom”Treasurer’s report:
Insurance was paid ($323.00). Check was sent to Brian for website expenses ($225.00). Zoom expense pending ($163.84). We currently have a total of $4126.91 in our reserves, including bank account, cash and paypal. Our only recent income was $70 from retreat donations over paypal.Announcements: None

Fall retreat debrief:
We discussed what went well and what we might do differently next year. We agreed that we had all enjoyed Saturday afternoon, when we were dancing together indoors, broadcasting on zoom. Summary: all supported hybrid as a possible future option, even if everyone’s preference is now for in-person dancing.
The other sessions were also considered generally successful. Saturday night’s coordination between southern Oregon and Canada was especially appreciated. Zoom only allows one window at a time to broadcast sound, which obscured some of the names read Saturday night. Sunday morning format was different, but didn’t compete with any other dance options.

Fall retreat attendance and finance summary:
Both attendance numbers and income have dramatically declined over the last three years, as would be anticipated.
2020: 44-86 attended, $793.45 profit
2021: 35-55 attended, $298.97 profit
2022: 28-40 attended, approximately$270.93 loss.This includes$100 as an honorarium for Martha and up to $50 as a thank-you for the use of Jennifer’s common room.Pause for gratitudes:
Elizabeth’s persistence in holding zoom and park dances, with both energy and wisdom. On Saturday Jennifer managed all the arrangements gracefully. We all came early and pitched in to set up the room and decorate. Murad and Ka did extra dances extemporaneously. Hassan came with Andrea. Many have sent prayers and support for Hassan and Andrea. Rich retreat offerings. Rock-steady dancers. Useful notes, good agenda, tech working today. Zoom allows a much better planning meeting than a conference call. Compost harvested today. Cold morning but made it to work on time.End of year donations:
Historically we have donated to NW Harvest, and in 2020 to Camp Burton and Keystone Church. However, we will need a good reserve when we start in-person dances or for an in-person fall retreat. We would still need to cover rent, or pay minimum amounts at a retreat center. Attendance wouldn’t be predictable. We don’t have enough details to calculate specifics now. We discussed explicitly asking for donations to increase the reserve to pay for indoor venues. We also speculated about finding a back-up retreat location if only a few people signed up.Winter schedule:
• There is a possibility that Murad will offer the Aramaic Prayer in December, with a small group of musicians shared on zoom.
• Global Peace Dance may be offered by one of the Oregon circles, but nothing is confirmed.
• So far, no Seattle leader is ready to commit to organizing a dance in January or February.Next meeting:
The planning group will meet again after the holidays.
Wed, 1/11/23, 7:00pm.
Convener: John
Scribe: Helen
Interim Committee: Phil, John, JenniferClosing Dance:Allah HumahFinal gratitudes:
The simple pleasure of a second blanket. Hassan’s smile. Ka’s gratitude poem. Our company right now.
   DECEMBER      No meeting this monthNo meeting this month.ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME
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